Thursday, 17 March 2016

5 strategies to help cope with anxiety

For anyone that suffers with anxiety, you'll probably already know that there really is nothing better than finding tips and tricks that can help you cope with it a little better. A lot of the time, the internet will tell you to deep breathe, do exercise and take time out of what you're doing...but realistically, that isn't possible, especially if you have a busy day and things to get on with.

I suffer with both social and general anxiety, which can be difficult to juggle when you're a university student and working a job at the same time. So I've compiled a small list of things that i find really help me when I'm feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

1. Walk

 As simple as it sounds, it works. I walk into town to get the bus to work (student life) and have found that it improves my mood a lot, especially when i'm feeling really overwhelmed with everything that's going on. Early mornings walks are especially good as it's quiet out and the birds are chirping. Walking also produces natural endorphins, which improves mood and makes you feel more relaxed.

2.  Set aside worry time

This is something that i often do. If i'm beginning to worry about something but i know that i've got things that need to be done, i'll make a note of it in my phone and tell myself that i'll worry about it later in the day. By the time it gets to 'worry time' it's likely that it was something you didn't need to be worried about at all, or you'll forget it was even something that was making you anxious.

3. Recognise false alarms

We often fear things that we don't need to. For example; I'll worry all day that i've left my hair straighteners switched on, on my desk everyday. I'll worry about it in the back of my mind all day until i get home and see that they're unplugged and put away. If there are particular things that you are anxious about on a daily basis, write them down. If it's things like leaving lights/appliances on then make yourself a check-list on your phone and tick them off. This will give you peace of mind and one less thing to stress yourself out about.

4. Don't beat yourself up for feeling this way

For many anxiety sufferers, you feel the initial anxiety and then feel anxious for feeling anxious. Sometimes you can feel ashamed and frustrated that you can't control how you're feeling. You feel as though you're not coping properly or that you're a weak person.
Don't not let yourself feel anxious. Just like with every other emotion, let yourself feel it. Telling yourself that you're not allowed to feel anxious isn't going to make you feel any better. So, set aside a small amount of time in the day to allow yourself to feel however you're feeling. It really does work, trust me.

5. Don't dread feeling anxious

Do you ever dread the next time that you're going to feel anxious? You play it over in your head and then because you're thinking about it, you start to feel it. Try to avoid thing. No, it isn't easy...but with time i promise it'll definitely help. Remind yourself that how you feel is out of your control (which is completely normal) and let yourself embrace the present moment. By doing this you'll be preoccupied with your daily activities, and you won't have as much time to think about how you'll be feeling in the future.

These are just a few strategies which i find helpful on a day-to-day basis. If you also suffer with anxiety then feel free to add more tips in the comment section because i'd love to hear them!

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