Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Welcome to Confused Girl! - What to do when you don't know what to do?

Okay so now that we're almost mid week there's only a few more days until it's acceptable to lay around in our duvets all day!

Now, this is my first post since deciding to do a little rebranding (let me know in the comments what you think of ConfusedGirl over the coming weeks) and i wanted to start off with a topic that i think might be relatable to quite a few of you guys out there... 

Not knowing what you want to do with your life or who you are. 

Now i don't know about you, but i have days where i feel like i know what direction my life is headed in and weeks where i'm up to date with my work deadlines & i feel great. But other times i feel as though my life is all over the place and that i don't really know who i am of what i want. So if you're also feeling like i am, then just know you're not alone - i'm also a disaster!

I've spend so much time trying to work out why it is that i keep jumping backwards and forwards, feeling great and then feeling low and i think i've finally figured it out.

I'm indecisive. And when i say that i'm not saying it lightly. Ask me what i want to eat and you'll get the reply ''oh i don't mind'' and you'll usually find that 'i don't mind' is pretty much my answer to everything. Put my indecisiveness into an important, adult situation and everything just tends to go downhill.

I also enjoy change, sometimes a little too frequently as well. Whether that be my style, the colour i want my hair and the most serious - what i want to do when i finish uni. Honestly, you could ask me what i want to do when i leave every week and each week i'd have a difference answer. When i first came to uni i thought i knew exactly where my life was headed and that i'd spend 3 years doing my degree and then be off into the industry following a career path that i loved. But evidently that isn't the case. 

So what do you do when you don't know what you want to do or who you want to be? 

You take one day at a time. Ever since i was at school i've felt this pressure to know who i want to be and what i want to do when i grow up, but truth is, you have your entire life for this. Just because you're working a job you no longer like or you're studying a subject you no longer enjoy doesn't mean that you can't change it. There isn't a specific date that you need to get your life together by, and to be honest i don't ever think i'll have my life together - that'd be boring anyway. 

Do the things you like doing, and if the next week you're not enjoying it anymore then stop. Life is too short to do things that don't make you happy & lately i've really learnt this. 

Don't get me wrong i love beauty and make-up and all things girly, but over the past few months i've really started to feel like writing about it has become a real chore. That's why i've created Confused Girl. Because i know that there are girls like me out there that are wondering what the hell this world is about and how everybody else online looks like they're gliding through life with 0 problems when some of us feel like we're drowning in doubt and a million unanswered questions. 

I realise that this post has turned into a little bit of a rant, but i really want the rebranding of my blog to help girls and be a place where anyone is welcome and a place where you can feel like someone cares and that someone relates to you. 

Please leave a comment on how you feel about the rebranding, it would mean a lot to me.

I hope you all have a very wonderful evening!

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