Wednesday, 18 January 2017

'This time next year' tag

Hi guys & welcome back to my blog, i hope you're all doing well! 

So basically i've been tagged by the lovely Larice to complete the 'This time next year' tag which has been created by Sarah Lemmon. I've never actually done a tag before but i love reading them so i can't wait to this.

This is how it works:

  • Thank the person who tagged you
  • Write your goals for next year
  • Write how you’re going to achieve your goals
  • Tag at least 5 of your blogger friends to share their goals
  • Then if you wish in 365 days write a post for everyone to see if you have been successful or not!

I love tag posts and am super excited to do this, so without further ado, let's get into the tag! 

Step 1: Thank the person who tagged you 

As i said above, the person who tagged me is Larice who writes at HiLarice. So thank you chick for tagging me, i hope you're having a wonderful start to 2017 and i really can't wait to read your future posts. 

Step 2: Write your goals for next year and how you're going to achieve them

This time next year... I will have quit smoking for over a year! 

I fully quit smoking as my new years resolution and i really do plan to stick to it this time. 

I will achieve this by thinking about my health and just how bad smoking cigarettes really is for you. I've got a wonderful and supportive boyfriend who is 100% behind me and i know that he'll help me fight the cravings whenever i get them. 

This time next year... I'll have started up my YouTube channel and have uploaded a minimum of 10 videos. 

This is something that i've wanted to do for a while now, but never actually done. I'm great when i'm behind the camera, but being in front of it and talking is honestly the most nerve-wracking thing i could possibly think of. 

I will achieve this by building up my confidence and biting the bullet. I really want to challenge myself this year and i feel like this is the perfect way to do it.

This time next year... I'll be almost finished with my final year of uni!

I already can't believe that i'm just about to start semester two of my 2nd year of uni. It really does feel like only yesterday that i was packing up my things for the first time and leaving home to move here! 

I will achieve this by working my ass off and never giving up. There are times when i really do just want to break down and cry over uni work, but i know that when i'm doing the job of my dreams, all the hard work will be 100& worth it!

Step 3: Tag at least 5 of your blogger friends to share their goals 

Step 4: Write a post 365 days from now to see if you have reached these goals or not 

I already can't wait to see what i'm able to achieve in a year and i'm also crazy excited to see if my fellow blogging friends have reached their goals in 365 days time. 

1 comment:

Larice said...

Awh I loved reading this! Glad you enjoyed this tag so much x