If you're already a student at university then you'll know all about the struggles of making your uni room feel like 'home'. The plain white walls and the often odd coloured carpets can be a little but off-putting to begin with, but have faith...there are a number of things that you can do to make your first, or second year in halls more bearable.
1. Add a rug.
You'll be surprised just how much of a difference a rug can make to a room. One of the main benefits is the fact that it'll keep your room slightly warmer (we all know just how cold uni rooms can get). Also, they're great for covering up those nasty, cheap carpets that were probably put down when the dinosaurs were around, okay maybe not that long ago but you get the idea, it was a while ago...
Choose a rug that matches your bedding/items in your room and build up a colour theme. Matching things can really bring a room together, making it feel put together and much more like home. Obviously you can go crazy and buy a brightly coloured, rainbow rug- but that's just my suggestion.
2. Photographs.
Nothing says home quite like photographs of you and your loved ones, especially when you're likely to be far away from them for long periods of time. Most university rooms will be equip with a pin board which is the perfect place to hang up your photos or pictures. I use push pins or bluetack to stick mine up as both are very easy to remove. A great idea is to get online and get some polaroids printed. It's pretty cheap and means that you can write cute captions underneath each of the photos. For example, you could write the date in which the photo was taken, or just the names of whoever are in the photographs. It'll make you feel closer to your family & friends, and also brighten up the room.
3. Plants.
This might sound a little strange but i've found that plants are a great way of making a university room feel more like home. Having something to look after/water on a daily or weekly basis can feel really rewarding (especially if you manage to keep the plant alive). But, if you're not great at remembering to water a plant or look after anything that isn't yourself (us students seven forget to look after ourselves sometimes) then buy yourself a cactus as they require minimal maintenance and look great! Just make sure to buy a pretty, decorative pot that'll make it look extra special!
These are just a few ideas that can make living in a uni room that little bit more cosy, and no it isn't home...but it's the closest thing you have to it until you actually go home.
Other possible ideas include;
- Candles (you're not actually allowed to light them in uni rooms though, only for decoration)
- Cushions
- Lamps
- Pretty mirrors
- Ornaments
- Bunting
- A dream catcher
- Etc.
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