Dear J,
I've been sat for over half an hour trying to figure out a way of starting this. It's not because i don't know what to write, but instead it's because i want this to be perfect - and i'm not entirely sure that i'm capable of that. To put it simply, i miss you. I miss you everyday that i don't see you. I miss you whenever you're not close to me. I even miss you when you're taking a shower or when you go downstairs in the morning to make coffee whilst i'm still half asleep. The feeling is like looking at an empty space, or a gap that needs filling. It doesn't necessarily hurt but you always notice that there is something missing.
There's days when I wish I could lay with you in bed all day. Most days in fact. Lately, the frosty, winter days make it even harder to get out of bed and go to uni in the morning, making it easier to want to go back home and lay in bed. But it’s never actually home when you're not there. Everyday i think about just how lucky i am to have someone like you. To have a boyfriend that is also my best friend. It's an amazing thing. Sometimes i feel like my life is on autopilot. I’m doing a million things and time slips away because everything is moving so quickly and there are so many things happening all at once. But somehow, you slow time. You keep me in a good place. You are my safe place. I love you.
I've been sat for over half an hour trying to figure out a way of starting this. It's not because i don't know what to write, but instead it's because i want this to be perfect - and i'm not entirely sure that i'm capable of that. To put it simply, i miss you. I miss you everyday that i don't see you. I miss you whenever you're not close to me. I even miss you when you're taking a shower or when you go downstairs in the morning to make coffee whilst i'm still half asleep. The feeling is like looking at an empty space, or a gap that needs filling. It doesn't necessarily hurt but you always notice that there is something missing.
There's days when I wish I could lay with you in bed all day. Most days in fact. Lately, the frosty, winter days make it even harder to get out of bed and go to uni in the morning, making it easier to want to go back home and lay in bed. But it’s never actually home when you're not there. Everyday i think about just how lucky i am to have someone like you. To have a boyfriend that is also my best friend. It's an amazing thing. Sometimes i feel like my life is on autopilot. I’m doing a million things and time slips away because everything is moving so quickly and there are so many things happening all at once. But somehow, you slow time. You keep me in a good place. You are my safe place. I love you.
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