1. My full name is Natasha Adele Noel, but call me Tash or Tasha (i only get called Natasha when i'm in trouble with my mum).
2. I currently live in Southampton but i'm originally from Swindon (WAHEEY pikey central).
3. I've lost count of how many houses i've lived in growing up. It's more than 12 though!
4. My favourite colour in the entire world is pink, but you'll always see me wearing black, always.
5. Going back to how i've lived in over 12 different houses, i've also lived in a lot of different places. Here's a list;
- Swindon
- Wales
- Cheshire
- Manchester
- Germany
- Oxfordshire (RAF Benson)
6. I hate aubergines. The feel, the texture. Everything. Come near me with one and i'll be running away screaming.
7. I love shoes. Like, i really love shoes. A few weeks ago i bought 5 pairs in two days, jus' sayin.
8. I'm 21. Probably the most boring fact, but hey.. i'm Vegas legal now (wooooo).
9. I can't go to sleep unless my room is tidy. How can you relax in a messy room?
10. Blankets are my life. I live to curl up in blankets. Oh, and i hate the cold. So if i need to go outside and it's below 15 degree's then i'm taking a blanket with me for protection.
11. I don't own an iphone. Crazy right? I must be one of the only people ever to have never owned one.
12. I post on Instagram way too much. But you all probably already knew that didn't ya.
13. I think i've had every single hair colour ever. Blonde, black, purple, red, blue.. you name it & i've most likely had it.
14. I have a boyfriend. His name is Jamie & he is the most amazing person i have ever met.
15. My pet fish Gary is the most important thing i own. He's back home in Swindon but i always talk to him on the phone and he loves it ( miss you Gaz).
16. I'm the type of girl that will compliment you in the toilets of a club when i'm drunk. I'll tell you that i love your hair, your dress, your bag & i might even hug you (i'm weird i know).
17. I miss my mum everyday at uni. Mainly because she used to make me food and cups of tea. I love going home to see her more than anything.
18. The thing i hate the most about Uni is not being able to have a bath. I really love baths and i am so deprived of them so pls send help :(
19. I swear too much. You know that stage when you were about 15 when swearing was cool? Yeah i kind of can't kick the habit.
20. Last, but not least... I am a blogger. Shocker right?!
Well that's a few things about me. I don't often post personal posts so i apologise if this isn't my usual and it has bored you half to death. Have a fabulous evening anyhow lovelies xoxo
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