Monday 14 July 2014

The end has come

Fashion week has now officially ended, and for those who followed it i think we can all agree that it definitely didn't dwindle away quietly, it went out with a BANG!

Lets re-visit our personal best bits of the week....

I think it's very fair to say Julien Fournie stole the show when it came to headgear, and this delicate but striking chandelier- like headpiece was no exception. The french designer has never disappointed us with his creations before so we had high expectations for what he would deliver at Paris fashion week, and just as we expected, he pulled this beauty out of the bag.

What really adds a nice touch to the headpiece is the way that the outfit is put together around it, drawing just enough attention to bring it all together, but not taking the spotlight away from it. This can be difficult to achieve, but with a designer like Fournie, putting together a creation like this is just another day at the office.

Another thing that we couldn't get enough during Paris fashion week was Chanel's take on re-creating a disco-ball! The model wearing the creation literally sparkled from head to toe in a silver dress and blazer, gleaming as she strutted up and down the catwalk. The piece was created for Chanel by German designer Karl Lagerfeld that within the past 24 hours has released the cover of his new book Choupette; The private life of a high-flying fashion cat.

Yes we know what you're thinking, and you thought right. This entire book is dedicated and based on his three year old Siamese that's living the kind of lifestyle that is usually reserved for a queen, and whilst it's only the front cover of the book that has been released so far, the book itself its a huge 128 pages long! Now that is definitely a book that we'll be getting our paws on.

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